
Making sure that messages are delivered effectively

M&A offers customized training courses to help our Clients to improve their communication skills with the media. Designed for CEO’s, senior executives and public relations managers, these training programs help designated spokespersons to confidently manage media interviews and ensure that their messages are articulately conveyed to their audiences.

The training program provides greater understanding on how the media operates and provide strategies for effective management of media encounters. It provides opportunities for practice and role-play and interview simulations are recorded for spokespersons’ self-evaluation.


Executive Media Training:

To provide greater understanding on how media operate and strategies in dealing with media.

Presentation Skills Training:

To improve the effectiveness of company speakers, officials and managers, in explaining concepts convincingly.

About Inke Maris & Associates

PR Agency Indonesia

Established in 1986, Inke Maris & Associates (IM&A) is a leading, independent PR Agency in Jakarta providing strategic counsel to businesses, organisations and public institutions. IM&A was recognised as the Best PR Firm in Indonesia after a survey conducted by Mix Magazine to over 100 Indonesian journalists nominated the firm for the PR Agency of the Year Award 2016. As PR and strategic communications consultants, our work falls into overarching and often intersecting areas of Public Affairs, Corporate Communications, Financial Communications, Marketing Communications, Issues & Crisis Communications, Capacity Building & Training, Social Marketing & PR Campaigns, Community and Stakeholder Engagement, Digital PR, Event Management.